Friday, October 5, 2012

Run 101

Today I was running out of time.  I only had to be somewhere in an hour.  Most of the time I run any where from 45 minutes to an hour and a half, but that wasn't going to happen today.  I thought about just not running.  That would have been the easy solution.  Just run tomorrow when I have more time.  But what about about my training schedule?  What about this 30 minutes I have?  Why not take advantage of it.  I almost talked myself out of running, but then drive kicked in and I wanted to make it happen.  I decided to cover as much territory as I could in 30 minutes.  
NYC is know for many things, but space is not one of them.  We are know for using every square inch that we can.  The parking lots here have car lifts, to park cars on top of each other.  We build apartment buildings straddling railroad tracks.  We build down underground, we build up into the sky. We live in small apartments.  Some apartments even have the shower located in the kitchen.  Space is expensive and no one wants it to go to waste. 
A perfect example of this caught my eye as I was running tonight.  There was a tiny shop called Maraya.  It was no bigger than a walk in closet and it housed an entire business. I initially thought it was an art gallery, but it turned out to be a cigar shop.
I then began to look around and found other pint sized shops in the area, including a pop up store (only open a short time), a dry cleaners, hand bags, sunglasses, jewelry, clothing designers and many more.  I'm sure you can find small hidden store fronts all over the city.  Here's a photo of one of them, Eli Halili Jewelry and Design.   

Time: 8:30 pm
Distance: 4.64 miles
Time: 39:20 minutes
Music: Passion

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